visual narrative


here is the beginning of my visual narrative. i am using photos from the team shoot i directed to tell a story about a friend group.


  1. Nice! Idk if you composited many different shots onto here or did some really long exposures to get these transparent figures, but either way it's a cool technique! With multiple blurry figures, it feels like I'm moving around the picture

  2. Oh my gosh, this looks so cool, I love the masks and the way things are overlapping with different opacities. I'm interested in what the sequence is supposed to be about! I love the color scheme you're sticking with and am pumped to see where you take it!

  3. I love the euphoric vibe that is going on right now and the way all the transparencies are layering on top of one another creates such nice contrast and the feeling of secrets. I can 100% tell the narrative is about gossip and talking behind one another's back and you did a great job setting the tone and mood for this with the ominous glows and shadows. I think overlaying this with some text of different possible secrets they could be telling would add even more to the piece.
    -Lexi Gerlock

  4. They don't really look like friends but this is nice. The colors, the composition, very nice. I see this and just wanna know the gossip, the drama. But as mentioned, very Eurphoria. i think (I haven't watched it)


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